The purpose of the MOMAP Survey is to assess competences that help to carry out a successful mobility experience so that it can become a source of personal growth, satisfaction and skills development.

The survey examines motivations, challenges, identity orientation, relational strategies and intercultural competencies in situations of geographic and social mobility.

The results are generated immediately and give an overview about above mentioned competences connected to the mobility situation.

The survey is built on the research of the 4C Project.

Who should fill out the MOMAP Survey?

The survey is for you if:
–  You are going abroad, you are currently living in a foreign country or you have just returned from abroad.
– You have or you are going to have a higher level of education than your parents.

Why should you fill out the MOMAP Survey?

The survey points out skills and competences that enable you to carry out a successful mobility experience, hence, it helps you to acknowledge, enrich and enhance those competences.


The survey has no time restriction. However participation takes approximately 30 minutes.
It is strictly anonymous. All responses are treated as confidential, and in no case will responses from individual participants be identified.

How to start?

In order to begin please choose from the statements below to help us to direct you to the right survey. Choose the one that describes your current situation the most and has the biggest influence on your life right now.

   You are planning to stay in another country

   You are currently living abroad

   You have returned to your country of origin after spending some time abroad (at least 3 months)

   You are planning to engage in studies beyond your parents’ level of education

   You have engaged in studies beyond your parents’ level of education

By continuing you acknowledge that you are 18 years of age or older and you agree freely to participate in the survey.