During the 4C project in our research period first we made in depth interviews with 72 people about their mobility experiences in 4 different countries (United Kingdom, France, Hungary and Malta). If you are interested in our conclusions, please download our overview about the research here.

Long Version: 4C_First Phase of research – overview.pdf

Short Version: 4C_First Phase of research – Short Overview.pdf

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Or visit prezi.com to read about our findings in an interactive way: Here

In the second phase of our work we developed a survey that assesses intercultural competencies and the mobility situation as such.

In the first round we developed a survey with 120 questions for people who are participating in geographical mobility. As the next step we tested our questionnaire with more than 400 people from United Kingdom, France, Hungary and Malta.

After a quantitative research we selected the questions that are the most relevant for our targets both for social and geographic mobility participants and developed 5 surveys according to their mobility phase: before mobility experience, during mobility experience, after mobility experience.

Try out our surveys and map your mobility experience online: Here 

To get know more about our findings and methodology please read our final research report “Mapping Mobility”: Here