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Tool: Flower of Flow
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MOMAP Dimension: Motivations
MOMAP Domain: Specific interest
Target group:
Type of mobility: Geographic Mobility: ✔, Social Mobility:✔
Implementation phase: Before: ✔, During: ✔, After: X
Duration: Number of sessions: 1
Time: 50 minutes
Identifying the participant’s sources of pleasure and flow in order to connect them to their activities in the new environment. Exploring the ways to become more aware of one’s intrinsic motivations and to make those the basis of the mobility experience.
Click here to download




Tool: Planning Islands
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MOMAP Dimension: Intercultural Skills
MOMAP Domain: Active Control and Planning
Target group:
Type of mobility: Geographic Mobility: ✔, Social Mobility: ✔
Implementation phase: Before: ✔, During: ✔, After: ✔
Duration: Number of sessions: 2
Time: 2 hours 40 min
This tool helps participants to define goals in the near future and plan the journey that leads to their future vision. It helps them to think through difficulties, challenges, resources, solutions and helpful elements in their environment.
This tool is also good to use during the closing sessions of a guiding process as it defines the next steps towards personal development. It helps to rethink future plans, taking into consideration the experiences gained during the guiding process.
Click here to download 16_Settings_time_keyboard_32px_102




Tool: Find your sensitive zones
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MOMAP Dimension: Challenges
MOMAP Domain: Cultural Differences
Target group:
Type of mobility: Geographic Mobility: ✔, Social Mobility:✔
Implementation phase: Before: ✔, During: ✔, After: ✔
Duration: Number of sessions: 1
Time: 20 minutes
To identify the sensitive zones of the participant in terms of cultural differences: where would the biggest challenges lie? This will indicate the most cherished cultural values and norms held by the participant.
Click here to download